Noto: the capital of the Baroque in Sicily

Noto cathedral, Sicily - Addler House

The town of Noto, in the province of Syracuse, is one of the places not to be missed on your tour of eastern Sicily.

It is also known as “The Capital of the Baroque” and its historic center was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 2002.

This beautiful Sicilian town will amaze you with its monuments and historic buildings, with the harmony of shapes, with urban architecture reminiscent of a theatrical setting.

The best way to start a tour of Noto is to access it from the Porta Reale, a triumphal arch dating back to the 1800s, designed and built on the occasion of the visit of the King of the Two Sicilies, Ferdinand II. Crossing it, Corso Vittorio Emanuele appears in front of you, the main street that runs through the entire historic center of Noto.

The attractions that this town offers are many, we will show you four, the ones that you absolutely cannot miss in a stay, even a short one in Noto.

1. The Cathedral of Noto

The Cathedral of San Nicolò is the main center of worship and historically the most important in the city of Noto. It is a baroque jewel of the 18th century that over the centuries has undergone numerous renovations and renovations, up to the current structure with the construction of the dome in the nineteenth century. You will certainly be amazed by the beauty and grandeur of this cathedral, which dominates the entire historic center of Noto.

2. Church of Santa Chiara and Convent of the Benedictines

Along Corso Vittorio Emanuele, about 100 meters away, there is the Church of Santa Chiara, a Baroque architecture of the highest quality. Designed by the Syracusan architect Rosario Gagliardi in 1730, it was completed in 1758 and annexed to the former convent of the Benedictine Sisters, today the civic museum of Noto. The interior of the church, with decorations, paintings and stuccos, is considered one of the most important in the whole of Sicily for its Baroque architectural style. Do not miss the view that can be admired from the terrace of this building!

3. Palazzo dei Principi di Nicolaci

The Palazzo dei Principi di Nicolaci, recently restored to its former glory, is a structure that represents the artistic wealth of the historic center of Noto. The building is immediately recognizable: a facade characterized by an imposing portal and two large columns, surmounted by an opulent balcony supported by carved stone corbels depicting grotesque figures.




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